Jeff the Deepthroater

One time, I was sitting at my window thinking "I should go out and get a pussy burrito" but I thought nah forget it... Afterwards when the Son was setting I decided it was time to go to bed. I usually sleep for 14 hours because I go to bed at 6, but that's not hyper important.
Anywhore, when I lay down my dick rose up. I didn't understand why because I had just comed after fapping to my imaginary thoughts about a pussy shaped like a dong. But then I realized what is happening and I heard in a very loud male chant "love is in the air". I had heard this before. It was a pale man with a really big mouth and throat. The local townspeople had taken to calling him "Jeff the Deepthroater".
I was too scared to get out of bed so I laid still, almost paralized. I only moved my eyes and I watched towards my window. I saw a face and I knew it was Jeff "oh no" i whispered. But it was too late.
Jeff crashed through the window and pinned me down on my bed and he said "go 2 slap so eye can deepthrote u". I died and his hyperrealistic mouth covered my dik. I died again and didn't write this crepeypasta. It is only a figment of your imagination becuz ur perverted.
sincerely, vompell